
项目级别: Pre-Majors /转移
部门: 社会与行为科学
研究所: 有创意的 & 沟通的艺术
大学: 程控


圣. 菲利普的大学 Mexican American Studies Program is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the Mexican-American experience. 它试图突出文化, 知识, 历史, 艺术, 以及墨西哥人的政治遗产.

The Mexican-American Field of Studies program is geared to guide students in exploring and examining the lives, 文化价值观, 以及墨西哥裔美国人经历的历史. 墨西哥裔美国人研究 bring together several various disciplines and themes such as history, 人文学科, 艺术, 音乐, 和文学.


This interdisciplinary approach allows students to have a multi-perspective understanding of the Mexican-American 历史 influence on human societies and culture.



墨西哥裔美国人研究 prepares students for transfer to any Baccalaureate program while gaining important insight into culture and its relevance within any career path.


墨西哥裔美国人FOS的课程将在德克萨斯州和美国各地转移.S. 攻读学士学位.


整个学年, MAS计划组织各种文化活动, 艺术, 生态, 以及教育活动. One of our annual events includes the Dia de los Niños Celebration and book giveaway, 我们在哪里接待来自程控儿童发展中心和鲍登学院的学生.


The 再生生态与农业联盟(CREA) is a transdisciplinary project co-led by faculty at St. 菲利普的大学 and The University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 that seeks to establish a transnational collective that will support regenerative 生态 and agri文化 practices with farms and 文化 organizations based in 圣安东尼奥, 德克萨斯州和韦拉克鲁斯州, 墨西哥. 像这样, the program seeks to deepen the understanding and practice of regenerative methods designed to restore degraded land and increase biodiversity.

CREA is generously funded by a United States Dep艺术ment of Agriculture (USDA) Collaborative Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grant.

  • 概述: The Fellows Program will provide 5 students from 程控 with the opportunity to learn more about regenerative agriculture and gain some field experience. 每个月, fellows will p艺术icipate in a Fellows Platica or Field Session at local collaborating farms to develop an understanding of ethical and practical contexts for regenerative ecologies.


  • Gain experience with regenerative agriculture, ecology, and environmental justice
  • Build professional and academic connections with community leaders and organizations devoted to supporting regenerative agriculture and environmental justice in 圣安东尼奥 and 墨西哥
  • 研究员将获得1500美元的津贴


完成并提交在线申请. 问题? 发邮件给Marissa Ramírez.



概述: 韦拉克鲁斯是墨西哥最古老、最大、最重要的港口城市. It is the site where Hernán Cortés first made contact with the Americas in 1519; where enslaved peoples from Africa first arrived in 墨西哥; and where a coalition of enslaved African and 土著 peoples rebelled and established one of the first free communities in the Americas. 今天, 这是一个以土著文化混合为特征的地区, 西班牙语, 和非裔加勒比人, 哪一种在烹饪中特别常见, 文化, 艺术表现. As one of the largest agri文化 producers and one of the most biodiverse states in 墨西哥, Veracruz has also become known for its regenerative agri文化 and 生态 projects.


通过一个为期五周的项目(其中一周在圣安东尼奥), 然后在韦拉克鲁斯待了四周, 墨西哥), 学生将获得以下方面的技术知识和技能:

  • 再生农业(香根草系统), 农林复合经营, 永久培养, 养蜂, keyline设计, 堆肥)
  • Benefits of regenerative agriculture related to wildlife biodiversity (with emphasis on birds, 水土质量和生态系统健康)
  • 社区参与方法(生态文化), 土著, 以及交叉质的研究实践)
  • 现场和数字现场方法(无人机), 太阳能光电板, 相机/摄影测量, 音景, 野外野生生物学)


步骤1:完成并提交 留学在线申请

步骤2:完成并提交 补充论述题

问题? 发邮件给Marissa Ramírez.


概述: Students who have completed the 再生生态与农业联盟(CREA) Fellows program or p艺术icipated in the 再生生态与农业联盟(CREA) Study Abroad program are also eligible to complete paid 6-8 week internships ($15/hr, up to 20 hrs a week) with local farms and environmental sustainability organizations. These internships will provide students with hands-on experience in areas such as:

  • 自然景观和水资源保护项目
  • 城市环境中传粉者栖息地的恢复
  • 掌握在城市环境中生产粮食的机会
  • 打造健康、营养丰富土壤的再生农业解决方案
  • 社区参与促进更健康的社区

参与的组织可能每年都有所不同, 还包括加西亚街城市农场等赞助商, 生态中心, 以及圣安东尼奥食品银行.


完成并提交在线申请. 问题? 发邮件给Marissa Ramírez.


Clarence Windzell Norris大厦,CWN 412.15

210-486-2040 / 210-486-2314
萨顿学习中心(SLC), 219

M.A.S. 虚拟背景