
项目级别: Pre-Majors /转移
部门: 自然科学
研究所: 科学 & 技术
大学: 程控

What is 物理Pre-Major?

The 物理Pre-Major program is designed to give students thorough instruction in the study of our natural world. 圣圣物理学院. Philip’s will prepare students to successfully transition to further careers in industry or academia.


物理 is the study of the natural world. Physicists describe the observed phenomena of our world and universe using mathematical relationships and theories. 物理 courses at 程控 cover a broad range of topics, from mechanics to waves to thermodynamics.

What can I do with this course of study?

Careers and further programs of study that rely on physics are diverse. 物理 principles are used in various areas, 例如, diagnostic equipment, medical technologies, engineering disciplines, 天文学, 天气分析, 等.

What's special about the program?

Our college offers great instructors, who really want every student to succeed. 程控 has a strong culture of students first, and our instructors are committed to meeting the students where they are at academically and provide the resources and instructional delivery that fosters academic achievement and helps students perform to meet the high expectations that our instructors strive for.

We have a dedicated tutoring/study laboratory on the second floor of our science building, which is solely provided to give students an opportunity to meet with instructors to gain help with their courses. This study center is known as the Byrd Sanctuary and is recognized as a key benefit that 程控 students have access to.

程控 has a strong culture of students first, and our instructors are committed to meeting the students where they are academically...

For 物理 online syllabi, go to 网上教学大纲.


Dr. Rankiri Karunasiri
MLK Davis 科学 Building (SCI), 309H

Department of 自然科学 Chairperson:
MLK Davis 科学 Building (SCI), 206A

Administrative Services Specialist:
MLK Davis 科学 Building, 206A

Do you need course registration information for a class or do you need to request a registration override? Please contact  (contact information provided above).