• SPC历史建筑



Join us as we continue a history of achievement!

  • James Steptoe Johnston, a bishop of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church of the West Texas Diocese, founded St. 菲利普师范工业学校, a school designed to educate and train recently emancipated slaves.
  • 3月1日开幕, 1898, the school began as a weekend sewing class for six black girls, 由爱丽丝·G小姐教授. Cowan, a missionary with the Episcopal Church.
  • During this period, the institution was known as Bowden's School.
  • 前奴隶的女儿艾特米娅·鲍登(Artemisia Bowden)加入了这所学校,担任行政人员和教师.
  • 鲍登小姐在圣. 菲利普学院工作了52年. 在她的领导下, 这所学校从一所女子工业学校发展成为一所高中,后来又成为一所大专学校.
  • During this period, the institution was known as Bowden's School.
  • The school moved from La Villita to its present location.
  • 经过几次增建,圣. 菲利普的 became a junior college for the black community of 圣安东尼奥 and the area.
  • 大萧条时期, 圣公会无法继续为它所创立的学校提供财政支持.
  • 鲍登,圣. Philip’s 大学, fought to keep the school afloat. 被认为是圣. 在菲利普学院,她经常用自己的钱来支付教师的工资和维持学校的正常运转.
  • 在筹款活动中, 她和一群唱歌的学生在全国各地巡回演出,为这所历史悠久的黑人大学募捐.
  • 学校保留了圣. 菲利普专科学校的名字, affiliated with 圣安东尼奥学院 and the 圣安东尼奥 Independent School 区, marking the end of the college’s era as a private institution.
  • 选举产生的地区董事会, 命名为圣安东尼奥联合初级学院区(现为阿拉莫社区学院区), assumed administration of the two colleges.
  • St. Philip’s 大学 began admitting white students, and 圣安东尼奥学院 began admitting black students.
  • St. 菲利普增加了西南校区, a hub for technical training programs and formerly part of Kelly Air Force Base, 作为一个正式的校园. It had previously served as a district extension center.
  • A multi-million-dollar capital expansion added major buildings; a state-of-the-art theater complex at the MLK campus; the Northeast Learning Center in 1996; and the Learning and 领导 Development Center in 1997 (in collaboration with the City of 圣安东尼奥).
  • St. 菲利普学院全年举办了一系列活动来庆祝建校100周年.
  • SPC began it's LVN to ADN mobility program.
  • St. 菲利普的大学 re-established a relationship with St. 菲利普的 Episcopal Church, the school's founding church.
  • 在学院的新领导下,第一届总统奖学金授权学生为他人服务.
  • 欢迎中心, 卫生专业中心, and Center for Learning 资源 are now open to welcome students.
  • Dr. 威廉·柯南·戴维斯 was on honored on Friday, 10月19日, 2012年,科学大楼以他的名字命名,以纪念他的许多贡献.
  • Nearly 50 years after her death, Artemisia Bowden, a teacher and administrator at St. 菲利普的大学 for more than a half-century, continues to garner plaudits. The latest is recognition by the Episcopal Church as a Holy Woman. 盐湖城圣公会第78届大会授权将鲍登的名字添加到“圣女”的礼拜日历中, 圣徒:庆祝圣徒." August 18 is her designated feast day.
  • The Reinstated LVN to RN Mobility Program at St. 菲利普学院是一个为期一年的课程,包括连续三个学期的在线学习, 面对面和实验室/临床经验,以满足学生成为注册护士的教育要求.
  • Guest attended two facility grand openings Wednesday, 8月9日, 2017学院的好撒玛利亚退伍军人外展和过渡中心(GSVOTC)位于Connelly街202号,是与圣安东尼奥市和新装修的Turbon学生中心(TSC)合作改建的建筑。.
  • 2018年3月1日,St. 菲利普学院在马丁·路德·金校区和西南校区举行庆祝活动,庆祝社区120年的骄傲.
  • 2018年3月2日,St. 菲利普学院举办了第十届年度奖学金高尔夫球锦标赛,收到了参加高尔夫球锦标赛的各种捐助者的捐款.
  • SPC于6月27日宣布, 2018, 该学院正式获得了德克萨斯质量基金会颁发的2018年德克萨斯卓越绩效奖的纪念牌匾
  • 2018年11月15日,美国总统特朗普.S. 商务部长威尔伯·罗斯任命十大网赌正规网址官网区为2018年马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖的获得者.
  • SPC at the State Capitol for 社区 大学 Day

  • VIA Metro在SPC纪念罗莎·帕克斯

  • 莱拉·科克雷尔的签售会

  • 马尔科姆·鲍德里奇奖得主

  • 格塔·墨菲106岁生日

  • SPC THCA大楼封顶

  • Alpha Kappa Alpha姐妹会.Alpha Tau Omega分会采用SPC

  • President’s Lecture Series The Three Doctors

  • SPC Grab ‘N Go Safe Space Food Pantry Ribbon Cutting

  • Clarence Windzell Norris Building Topping Out Ceremony

  • SPC NAHB 2020学生奖

  • SPC Receives the Quality Texas Governor’s Award Next

  • SPC Remote Learning Due to Covid-19 Pandemic

  • SPC CTE课程面对面

  • SPC虚拟毕业典礼

  • President Loston Named One Of The Ten Most Dominant HBCU Leaders of 2021

  • SPC and Cyberbit Partner to Advance Cybersecurity Workforce Education and Training

  • SPC Partners with SAISD to Expand P-TECH Programs in SA

  • Health Information Technology Program Ranks Among the Top in the U.S.

  • Dr. Temple Grandin to Discuss ‘Learning Differently’ in Virtual Presentation

  • SPC’s Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Earns REACH Rewards Membership Recognition

  • Four SPC Students Named to 2021 All-Texas Academic Team

  • Dr. Adena Williams Loston Celebrating 14 Years at SPC

  • St. Philip’s 大学 Added to University Health Vaccine Sites

  • SPC Awarded $20,000 from Home Depot® Retool Your School

  • Dr. Loston Receives UNCF 卓越 in Education Award

  • SPC新THCA大楼完工

  • Best Value Schools Names SPC Among 10 Best Culinary Schools in Texas

  • SPC Newly Renovated Clarence Windzell Norris Building Completed

  • SPC New Saint Artemisia Bowden Building Topping Out

  • Nursing Students Complete Clinical Hours By Helping Administer Vaccines

  • SPC Students Participate in NASA Summer Internship Program

  • Vocational Nursing Program at CTTC New Braunfels Campus Ranks Fourth in Texas

  • SPC VA Recognized by the Texas Veterans Commission

  • SPC新型焊接 & Autobody Collision Building Topping Out

  • SPC hosted the Cowboy Breakfast event in new Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts building in person

  • SPC hosted the Taste of Black Restaurant Week 圣安东尼奥 event in new Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts building in person

  • Dr. Adena Williams Loston, SPC President celebrated 15th Anniversary

  • Cybersecurity Program Earns Prestigious NSA Designation

  • SPC全国领导与成功学会(NSLS)分会介绍了其第一批成员

  • SPC awarded a $75,000 grant from Lumina Foundation
  • 最高人民法院纪念杨博士的一生. 威廉·C. 戴维斯

  • Health Information Technology Program was ranked #4 in the nation by Intelligent.com

  • SPC的Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会Psi Kappa分会在德克萨斯州地区会议上获胜

  • SPC Students attend first-ever Texas HBCU Conference

  • SPC touted by Business Journal for building talent pipelines in tech industry

  • As part of the American Rescue Plan, SPC received $93.200万的联邦基金
  • Dr. Adena Williams Loston Celebrating 15 Years at SPC

  • 烹饪艺术学生, 马库斯•克拉克, has been awarded a unique internship in Napa Valley, 加州

  • SPC在8月18日的圣阿特米西亚鲍登盛宴日举办了几座新建筑和奉献的多个剪彩仪式, 2022.

  • U.S. 劳工部长访问圣. 菲利普学院西南校区

  • 最高人民法院退役军人事务办公室荣获德克萨斯州退伍军人委员会颁发的2022年退伍军人教育卓越表彰金奖

  • SPC began pursuing the Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity degree, 等待南方学院和学校协会学院委员会的批准.

  • SPC received donated Gulfstream G-159 Aircraft from Businessman, Mr. 迪克tipp

  • Dr. Dietra特伦特, 执行董事, White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, 卓越, and Economic Opportunity through Historically Black 大学 visited SPC

  • 9月15日,SPC在西南校区为新的焊接和汽车碰撞中心举行了剪彩仪式,庆祝西班牙裔传统月

  • 艺术家莱昂内尔·索萨(Lionel Sosa)的《十大网赌正规网址下载》肖像系列在SPC有一个永久的家

  • Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Dr. Stacey Dixon访问了SPC