Continuing Resident Status

Continuing Resident Status 

 (a)     Except as provided under subsection (c) of this section, a person who was enrolled in an institution for any part of the previous state fiscal year and who was classified as a resident of this state under Chapter 54, 分章B, 德州教育法规, in the last academic period of that year for which the person was enrolled is considered to be a resident of this state for purposes of this subchapter, as of the beginning of the following fall semester. If an institution acquires documentation that a person is a continuing student who was classified as a resident at the previous institution, no additional documentation is required. The person is not required to complete a new set of Core Questions.

(b)     Except as provided by subsection (c) of this section, a person who has established resident status under this subchapter is entitled to pay resident tuition in each subsequent academic semester in which the person enrolls at any institution.

(c)     A person who enrolls in an institution after two or more consecutive regular semesters during which the person is not enrolled in a public institution shall submit the information required in 21.本标题第25条, (relating to Information Required to Initially 美国东部时间ablish Resident Status), and satisfy all the applicable requirements to establish resident.