


The 东北湖景学院 Strategic Plan is a product of shared governance in conjunction with administrative units and the 战略规划 Council. Since the development of NLC’s inaugural Strategic Plan in 2012, the 大学 has followed a continuous improvement process to update its strategic priorities and plans every few years.

2018年秋季, 东北湖景学院 embarked on a robust and inclusive process as it developed and transitioned to its new Strategic Plan. Members of the 战略规划 Committee (comprised of cross-college representation) met to map out the process to update the Strategic Plan for the next term cycle, which included engagement by internal and external stakeholders. Feedback from all constituent groups was reviewed and combined into a document that supports the continuous improvement process to advance the insJtuJonal mission and NLC’s overarching goal of student success.

The material presented in this document reflects the input received from both internal and external groups throughout Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 and covers the next strategic planning cycle (2019-2022).

2019-2022年战略规划ning Timeline

审查 & 完善

  • 11月. 2018 战略规划 Committee reviewed/refined mission & 信仰声明
  • 12月. 2018 战略规划 Committee reviews Survey Results; finalized Mission Statement for voting
  • 4月. 2018 Refined Goals, Objectives and Strategies; finalized 2019-2022年战略规划

INPUT & 调查

  • 8月. 2018 战略规划启动
  • 9月. 2018 Facilitated community engagement activity, to include a SWOT analysis
  • 10月. 2018 Employee Visioning Day, developed Mission, Belief, and Vision Statements
  • 1月. 2019 Feedback session with students
  • 1月. 2019 员工投票决定公司使命 & 信仰声明

批准 & 沟通

  • 3月. 2019 大学 战略规划 Day presented final Belief & Mission Statements; voted on Vision Statement
  • 4月. 2019 Mission Statement Approved by 十大网赌正规网址官网区 Board of Trustees
  • 2019年5月 Presented Final 2019-2022年战略规划 to 大学 社区
  • 小君. ——8月. 2019 Official roll-out of new strategic plan